Excel Trading Co.,Ltd. is a company focused on the discovery and marketing of refractory products trading company full-time , and located in a mineral-rich,top quality refractory province,customers can buy the best quality and the best service Refractories at our company.Although the 80s not young anymore.But in our company,a group of 80s are still fighting hard,we've been working hard in another company,experienced no loss goals .Now we get together with the same beliefs and dreams,Becouse of these years of accumulate and precipitate,our employees have more high-end vision and the best service .
Young organization structure of the company , but not young work experience, so that the company is vibrant but also professional, Please believe us ,we’ll give you a satisfactory purchase experience.
80s has a distinct individuality of reform and opening era of branding , our company and employees have personality, our refractory products more features.
Services to customers, satisfied customers.Choose Tianshi trade , choose the desired time.
God helps those who help themselves.