with 10+ year’ experience, we are one of the professional forwarders of worldwide exporting in Guangzhou. we do as our job to reduce your import cost while sending your goods to required ports, as we are familiar with different countries’ customs clearance process, we do for you the right documents to minimize the tax charge.
we have close contact with wholesale markets of all sorts of goods in guangzhou area and nearby cities. we can help you throughout your purchase in china, and be your control the quality of your goods in the final stages.
other supports from our service include interpretation, export standard/ super-compact packing, and warehousing etc.
wherever you are in the world if you need any help or want to ask any question, please do not hesitate to inform us.
we specialize in international cargo service:
air freight
sea freight
quality control
by air, by sea, express, lcl, fcl, air cargo, sea cargo, quatili control, air freight, sea freight, freight agent, freight forwarder, purchasing agent, shipping agency, export agent, cargo service, less container loaded, full container loaded, international cargo sevices, freight