QINGDAO XONTREN SENTON PRECISION CO., LTD is an individual company by JAPANESE XONTREN SENTON PRENCISION GROUP, which product specially parts of car and motorcycle. The group ltd founded in 2001, 12, which is the first company to enter in China since the entering WTO of China. The company has large amounts of 6 million output value; its products have been welcomed by Japan, Occident and more than 30 provinces at home.
Product type:
Motorcycle roller chain: 420(08A), 428(08B), 428H (08BH), 520,520H, 530(10A), 630(12A), 520-O, 520H-O
With material of
Piece: 45Mn Pin: 30CrMnTi Roller&Bush: 10 steel
Motorcycle bush chain
Motorcycle engine timing chain
Motorcycle sprocket that the material be separate into A3 steel and 45# steel
I hope if you are interested in our products, please kindly contact us!
chain, sprocket , silent chain , bush chain, chain and sprocket kit, roller chain, motorcycle parts, motorcycle accessories, auto parts, auto accessories, vehicle parts, vehicle accssories, motorcycle chain, motorcycle sprocket , motorcycle chain&sprocket kit, transmission, transpatation